Music in Austin, Texas
Hi guys,
I wanted to update you a little bit as it’s been a little over 2 months since I went out to Austin, Texas. I’ve talked about it a little in my newsletters. If you don’t them – sign up on the side of the page right here or by clicking that little floaty thing! On the blog I’m still not giving too much away as initially my plans in Texas were to be inspired by a whole other kind of music. And that I was! Normally I’m a really organised person who lines things up ready to work, but this time I really wanted to go out, see what happened and go with the flow. And it turns out Austin and Texas in general is a great place to do this, they are so laid back. In fact, the person I stayed with I had only met once before in New York when I was out there back in 2011, how is that for keeping communication open – or just her being an AWESOME person (as they would say). She’s knows she is, I don’t even have to say that, but I can say the girls rock!
I want to give you details lots of details about what I found so inspiring as I can’t separate anything I do daily from affecting my music! So, this is an introduction to invite you to stay with me as I write a few posts about this fantastic and inspirational city, its people, its music, its food and how we share the love of the colour turquoise :-0
Did I make some music, a little – it’s a work in progress.
So, I guess that wasn’t an update….. so I’ll meet you here again soon x