Instant Karma is back!

Instant Karma



About a year ago I played a lovely venue in Digbeth, Fazeley Studios.  It was such a lovely atmosphere and evening and had some other great artists from the Birmingham music scene on.  It’s so good to hear that it’s back up and running so I’ll again be playing on the “Instant Karma” night on Thursday 17th April.  The night starts at 7pm.  Food and snacks are available if you want to get anything there.

I’ll be playing a solo set just with my piano, hoping to see a few familiar faces in Birmingham.  There are some other really unique acts on the night as Ben Drummond who hosts the event always does a great job at selecting artists for his acoustic music evenings, and it’s worth coming down to see him alone!  Live music Birmingham is becoming very well supported, please come out and see this stunning venue for yourself and have a great night.  It’s the day before Good Friday, so most of you may have a day off the next day, so no excuses for a week night!

And a last little note….please come up and say hello!  Last time I was there a few people went straight online and bought my CD which was lovely, but I had some with me on the night and it’s really great to chat with people too, I don’t always bite 🙂

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