New recording news

We have now scheduled a proper date for the diary to be in the studio and start recording “You Lie” and a brand new song called “Cry Now”.  If anyone has seen me play in the last year you’ll have seen that we’ve been playing “You Lie” for a while, it’s one of the first songs that feels really different in the sound to usual and the way it could be recorded.  We were waiting to start full pre-production for a new album, but “You Lie” has been ready to go for a while now, so a date became free in the studio we wanted to use – Blackdown Studios in Leamington Spa and so we thought we’d bite the bullet and grab it to start tracking.

The best news is we have Ben Haines (The Groove Furnisher) on drums and Ben Drummond on bass guitar so I know that they are going to put the best foundations down for these songs and I seriously can’t wait.  Watch this space to find out whether they are going to be part of a new album or release first as singles, for now we are eager, ready and waiting to create some studio magic with these tracks!

Watch a live video of “You Lie” below –




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